Today, I’m releasing the source code for a couple of my past projects.
The projects
-, a music playlist sharing service. [github]
- Fling, a way to send songs, videos, and urls from your phone to your desktop computer by flicking your wrist. [github]
I released the code for these projects a while ago but never posted about it:
- CMSploit, a security scanner to find temporary config files that contain passwords on public websites. [github]
- WireSheep, shows you each user on the network and all the HTTP requests they’re making. [github]
- Selective Attention Test, a new version of the famous gorilla video. [github]
Your turn!
Release some of your own code! All the cool kids are doing it. Happy hacking!
(If you liked this, you might like How To Set Up Your Linode For Maximum Awesomeness.)